Writeup | New England Scores | Scores Outside New England | Breakdowns of Top Stations | Soapbox Comments
W/VE Stations Outside New England
AA8TA – 20m was tough during day on Saturday. Much more action in late afternoon and later after NE came online. More action on 20m then as well. Clean sweep of DE was a nice bonus. Not able to participate on Sunday. Tnx fer the Qs.
AB5XM – Thanks for putting on the contest! Enjoyed it!
K3TW – Once again, many thanks to the mobile stations for activating the rare counties. Both 15m and 10m provided the most QSOs in recent years which is a good sign of improving band conditions.
K5VG – This contest marks the return to HF by K5VG after 21 years.
K8LF – Love it that we can log all QSOP this weekend to one log! Great S&P event lots of band switching. Would have liked to be in a spot where I could work more stations on 10M & 15M but props never went short for NE stations on Sunday. Saturday was good on 15M for 7th call area stations. Wish 7th call area would be on for Sunday.
KA0PQW – Fun contest thanks for having it. will be looking forward to next year.
KA2YRA – Had a great time operating from POTA site K-4998 Ramapo Mountain State Park in NJ. Thanks for a great contest! 73.
KA3TTT – I had fun playing in the New England QSO party for the second year in a row. I operate QRP from Philadelphia. See you next year!
KD2KW – Thanks for a fun event. Your efforts are appreciated.
KE0TT – K3/10 driving a HB amp to 100 watts, wire antennas. Thanks for the Party! Lots of activty. Even 15M cooperated this year. C U next time,
KK4BZ – Icom IC-746 and a 134 ft OCFD wire antenna at 10 meters in the trees. Max power 80 watts. Thanks for the fun!
KS7T – Wow what a turn out! Didn’t expect it to be as good this year due to the recent sun flares and solar storms but it was the wx here that really hampered my reception on ssb due to QRN from rain and thick overcast. QSB made sigs disappear fast, too.
N6JSO – On a Jeep trip, didn’t have much time to operate.
NO2D – Always fun. Always confusing with all the states involved. Prop into New England was good on Saturday afternoon. 7 Land was good all day.
NO8C – Nice contest! See you next year…..
VE3NFN – Very good participation, especially on Sunday, although bands were busy with many other contests. Good ops. Enjoyable contest.
VE7BGP – I had a lot of fun in QSO parties this weekend. Last Fall I treated myself to a new FTdx-10 Radio.
W2AAB – This was the first time I made a semi-serious effort in the NEQP, and it was very enjoyable. Some rare counties were active and worked, which added to my enthusiasm. Normally, 20 meters is beyond groundwave for us in the NYC area and too close for skip, but a surprise short skip opening on 20 was most welcome. Congrats to the sponsors for a fun QSO Party.
W3RFX – First Timer! Had fun! Thanks to all the New England operators.
W8LVN – About twice as good as last year. Missed all of Saturday due to family obligations.
W9VW – This event was a first for our group in the Indiana QP with this many transmitters going at once. We had five and sometimes six simultaneous stations. Lots of challenges, and lots of fun ! The 10M and 15M bands were pretty dead for us. We kept our 20M and 40M, CW and Phone stations on the entire time with 80M later in the evening. Looking forward to next year.
WA1FCN – I was prepared for a really nice effort, but QRN on and poor propagation Sunday morning prevented it. Thank you all the great mobiles. A fine job by all. I think this is my 21st out of 22 NE QSO Parties.
WA5SWN – Good Contest! It only took me 9 QSOs to work a “clean sweep” of all 6 New England states.
WA9LB – QRP can be tough. Good run at it this year!
WB2FUE – A lot of participation makes for a great contest! Thanks very much to all New England operators!!
DX stations
DL3DXX – unfortunately could not attend full time this year. Just a few QSOs
SP6JOE – straight key, no computer, worked from my summer house.
New England Stations
AB1XW – With Mother’s Day and other family obligations, my operation this year was very short. I only got on for a couple of brief intervals on Sunday, which is always the slow day in this contest, and decided to lean into the small scale by also operating QRP. Despite these limitations, I actually managed to get a little run going for a bit, and really had fun shaking the rust off my CW.
AF1T – Thanks for sposnoring the N.E.Q.P. Most of my contacts were on 20 meters – and very few on 80 and 10 meters. Hope to be on next year.
K1GQ – I am a ROG (Really Old Guy) with a decent but far from dominating contest station at home in a semi-suburban area. This year my NEQP goal was to see if I could keep my butt in the chair for the entire contest period instead of quitting when the first excuse arose. Did it! Secondary goal was to maximize my QSO count by 100% running. Did that too, although I had more QSOs in less time last year even though we had more useable bands with remarkably short skip zones on most of them this year. Could be somewhat less activity, could be propagation, could be I’m a year older. Don’t care, I still enjoy this game and NEQP in particular, whatever happens. I missed exactly the same K/VE mults as listed by Tom. Other silly statistics: 932 different calls, 28 5-banders, state with most QSOs was CA with 123, 76 band changes. Surprise
K1MAZ – This was my second time participating, NEQP being the first QSO Party I took part in once I became a General. Great to be part of it, I like to help others get my county in Vermont, as most I exchanged with said it was their first from my county. 100W and an EFHW.
K1MC – For the first time in many years of operating in the New England QSOParty I managed to work both Dukes and Nantucket counties in Massachusetts. A Clean Sweep of the New England island counties!
K1VWQ – I operated when I could. I was slightly under the weather, and I couldn’t seem to concentrate this year. The band conditions started off poor, but I did have a good push on 40 meters Sunday early evening to help my overall performance. Thanks to all involved to make this happen every year. Proud to have our POTA*413 group, once again offer a plaque for ‘The Best In Western MA’ (Our third year to offer this), Contest Pro’s: The mandatory break between the event. Contest Con’s: I really wish NEQP wasn’t on such a heavy QP weekend… It would be nice to pick a less active QP weekend so we as a region might be able to shine a bit more… But that’s me… Cya Next Year… Perhaps I will try another category next year We shall see… To be continued..
K1WAS (WE1M) – This contest is just a joy to operate. It is on our schedule every year now.
KA1JBE – Never did a contest in 40 years…. first one. I was amazed I got all 50 states and numerous countries in that quick period of time.
KA1WPM – A very busy weekend which left only a few hours to operate. I’m still happy for the contacts I was able to make. Most were New England contacts this year.
KB1MAO – Sorry to say I only had the last 1 hour to work the contest this year.
KC1V – Always great fun. Thanks for all your hard work.
N1ABY – Had a blast, especially on 40! The vest contact was working NX6T on 40. Sounded like he was in my backyard!
N1AIA – Enjoyed squeezing in a couple of NEQP sessions between the weekend chores. Made 96 QSOs in 96 minutes for my best rate ever.
N1EZ – Mothers Day weekend is a tough weekend to Ham but I spent about 4 hours on Sat and 2 hours on Sunday operating. Lots of fun. Love the pileups!
N1FAM – Single Operator, Fixed station. 95W Power Level. Thank you for running the contest. The event was enjoyable. I like the break in time rather than the 24 hour events. It also appears that it is not just an event for the “Big Guns” and small stations and wire antennas have a place and shot at the contest. My first shot at a contest.
N1JI – Elecraft KX3 running 5 watts to an 88′ doublet up about 30 ft. I operated for 18 of the 20 hours. Thanks for the contacts!
N1NN – 15th New England QSO Party
N1SFE – I wasn’t planning on participating in the NEQP at first, but when I got on the air and the band was really active, I started giving out points to other participants, and I figured that I’d submit a log. It was a really fun event, I’ll have to participate “for real” next year!
N1SFT – Wow, this contest gets better every year!
N1SP – Had fun. Nice to work the NEQP after a couple years away.
N1VD (KB1REQ) – Another KM1NDY enabled NEQP portable operation this time from Fisherman’s Memorial State Park in Narragansett, RI.
W1END – Loads of fun. Did about as well as last year.
W1KDA – Not as many hours on the air as I would have liked due to the conflict with Mother’s Day but still a good time and more activity than I expected.
W1QK – Thanks for the contacts and fun on the radio. Nice to work many CWops members on both CW and SSB.
W1UED – Never done any real contesting besides VHF contests. Decided to poke around for stations calling for New England. Maybe next year I’ll park and bark on a frequency.
W1WIU – Thanks to the organizers for another great fun event. ! Operated with half of my ZS6BKW antenna twisted in the trees Hi Hi. Thanks to the Rovers ! Hope to see you all next year.
W9TCV – Had fun making the Qs with NE, 7QP and IN stations from Rhode Island!!
WA1LAD – Not bad for only 98 minutes to operate.