CT: Town – Multiplier converter available

The 2024 rules use CT Planning Regions as the multiplier instead of counties (which were abolished in 1960)

We put together a table showing each municipality(town), the new multiplier abbreviation, the name of the Regional Council of Government, and the old County name.

There is also a more detailed explanation for the change along with a map showing each town and Region.



  1. There hasn’t been enough negative feedback from CT amateurs to change it back? I for one will not participate.

  2. Changing the CT multipliers to planning regions doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. The CT weather stations, NOAA, court system, and general public still refer to the “old” county names. Beyond that QSL cards and the LOTW use our county names not planning regions. In my opinion, this was an unnecessary change and will likely result in confusion.
    Rich N1IXF

  3. This is crazy because there are no county lines for Connecticut now. Not even sure which county to use because you have nine counties when legally there are only 8. I am out.
    Bob NN1DX

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