Last updated April 30, 2024

This page covers the frequently asked questions (FAQ) we get about the NEQP. We’ll use this page to document questions, answers, and rules interpretations so everyone will have the same information. Suggests for improvements in the rules for next year are always welcome to info@neqp.org.

Click on any question to see the answer.

Rules and Scoring

Q)    Are QSOs with other stations limited to once per band/mode?

A)    Yes, the same station can be contacted on CW and SSB on each band for QSO points (digital QSOs are considered the same as CW).

Q)    Are multipliers per band/mode or per band or per contest?

A)    Just once for each multiplier, not per band or mode.

Q)    The multiplier for New England stations is just States, Provinces, and Countries. Does that mean they don’t count NE counties?

A)    Correct, New England stations can work other New England stations for QSO credit but counties do not count as multipliers (states do).  The multiplier for NE stations is States(50), Provinces(14) and Countries.   Non-NE stations use NE counties (67).

Q)  Does Hawaii count as a state and country for New England stations?

A) No.   If you work Hawaii, count it as one of the 50 states, same with Alaska.   When counting countries, do not include the USA and Canada.

Q)  How many watts for low power?  We have used 200 watts in our QSO party, and of course that appeals to the many who use the FT1000 series rigs.

A) 150w PEP or less for the Low Power category, and 5w PEP or less for QRP.

Q)     I am looking for more details about multi-single rules for the NEQP.  Is it only one transmitter or can a second transmitter be used for multipliers on another band?    How about 10 minute rules?

A)    We didn’t write a lot of rules about multi-single, just that there is a category for stations with multiple operators.   Use the “standard” rules for multi-single – ten minutes between band changes would be fine (as in CQWW), even six per hour (as in ARRLDX).   As for a second transmitter on another band for multipliers, that’s fine.   

Q) Are there single band categories or are all entries considered as all bands?

A) There are no single band categories.  We decided to keep the format simple.

Q)  If New England stations can work any other NE station, but only count it for state worked credit, is there any value in logging NE counties worked?  All they do is complicate the contest file without adding any value to the log from the NE operators point-of-view.

A) If you work a New England mobile station in different counties, it will count for multiple QSOs (and not as a duplicate).  You do need to log the county for all NE stations worked (mobile or fixed).  A good QSO requires the full exchange to be copied/logged.. 


Q)    Is there a list of “approved” abbreviations for the counties for use on CW and in logging?

A)    We put together a list of 5-character abbreviations because there are several counties with the same names in different states.   It doesn’t matter if you send state then county, or county then state (but your logging software may only handle it one way. In 2024 we switched and prefer that you send state first, then county – Suffolk MA becomes MASUF.

Q)    I have a small plane, will the contacts I make while aeronautical mobile count?  I’ll have a GPS and know exactly what county I’m over.

A)    No, since most awards (DXCC, WAS, state county awards) do not allow /AM QSOs to count, we won’t either.   But, if you’d like to operate /AM anyway, let us know and we’ll make sure be know you’ll be on, even if the QSOs won’t count in the contest, because there will be a lot of interest in your special operation.

Q) Are the specific frequencies where mobiles should operate or where we should look for them?    

A) We put together a table showing where most mobile QSOs took place during the 2018 NEQP as a general guide.

Q) While running mobile in multiple counties, if you stop and throw a wire into the trees (or bushes, or whatever) does this categorize those contacts as a “/portable” station vs a continuation of the ongoing mobile operation?

A)   We’ve generally counted stations that operate portable in multiple counties in with the mobiles.   That gives you the flexibility to take along some extra wires, or a small mast and beam (no generator).  The price you pay for a better antenna system is that it will take longer to get to new counties and the rush of new QSOs. But, if it a purely portable operation and don’t actually go mobile at all, we’ll score you with the non-mobiles.


Q)  Will entries need to include logs and dupe sheets or just dupe sheets like Field Day?

A)    Electronic entries just need to include a complete Cabrillo format log.   If your software doesn’t provide that option, include a summary file and log file in a plain text format.   Paper entries should use the forms provided – summary and log sheets.   Do your best to avoid duplicates, and to check for them afterwards, but no need to send in dupe sheets.

Q)  Is there an entry fee or charge for certificates?

A) Nope.   We have had donations to cover the cost of a mailing to New England clubs, and several clubs and individuals have sponsored plaques.   We will certainly send the results out via e-mail where possible.    If you earn a certificate we’ll be sending it out by email.   We’d be happy if you sent an SASE for printed results or a certificate.

Q)  How should I submit my log if I operate from both the car as a mobile and from my destination location as a portable/1?   What are the alternatives to two logs?

Two logs is the only answer.   A mobile score is combined (QSO points) over all counties traveled through.   Unless you’re using the mobile station and mobile antenna at the end location, it can’t be combined.

Q)    Will there be certificates for non-New England multi-single efforts?

A)    Yes, in each state/province/country a certificate will be awarded to the top scorer in each category (high power, low power, QRP, multi-single) as long as the station made 25 QSOs.