by Tom Frenaye, K1KI –
Writeup | New England Scores | Scores from Outside New England | Breakdowns of Top Stations | Soapbox Comments
The number of logs jumped slightly to a total of 271, with 116 from New England and 155 from non-W1 entries. The number of QSOs reported was 40,390, up 5% from 2005. All 67 New England counties were active again, and logs from seven mobiles showed 108 counties – about the same as last year.
The chart below shows what was good about propagation during the 2006 NEQP (Saturday afternoon), and what was not good (Sunday). QSO totals on Sunday were down as the impact of the geomagnetic activity made east-west QSOs difficult – New England stations worked a lot of stations in the 4th call area…. Late in the afternoon on Sunday, 20m was closed so 40m was the center of activity for the last three hours, and during the last hour, 80m was as busy as 40m. It must have been much more frustrating from the west coast. Sunday totals from the west coast were less than half that of Saturday, and there were several hours where there were only a handful of W1 to W6/W7 QSOs on any band.

Activity by band shows the reality of being near the bottom of the sunspot cycle, plus some geomagnetic activity. There were only a handful of QSOs made on 15m, and on 10m the QSOs made by New England station were all in New England. On 15m nearly a third of the contacts were within New England, but a couple of DX stations were logged and 18 from the west coast – almost all of the rest came from the southeast (GA NC TN) and nothing in between.
New England mobiles made more than half of their QSOs on 20m, another 40% on 40m and just 10% on 80m.
During the day the activity was mostly on 20m, with 40m as second choice, and in the late afternoon and early evening 40m dominated. Later in the evening activity dropped on 40m and almost all of the activity moved to 80m.
80m | 40m | 20m | 15m | 10m | |
QSOs made by W1s | 4,155 | 9,424 | 14,724 | 118 | 14 |
Different stations worked | 561 | 1,584 | 3,118 | 59 | 9 |

Logs came in from seven mobiles, though there was also good activity by at least a half dozen other mobiles who enjoyed the QSOs but not the paperwork. Tom/K1KI/m started in southern Maine, handing out eleven counties in Maine on Saturday afternoon and evening, then on Monday covered two counties in New Hampshire, twelve in Vermont and two in western Massachusetts before the end of the contest. Bob/WA1Z/m had 69,662 points, the second highest score, operating from one county in Maine, four in New Hampshire and ten in Vermont. Bob racked up the highest single county total (4,224 points) from Orange County VT with 68 QSOs. Ed/K1EP/m covered seven counties in three states and had his biggest total in usually hard-to-work Suffolk County MA (Boston).
While the top three mobile logs totaled close to 1600 QSOs, only about 65 of them were on SSB. That left SSB for others to cover. Dave/KD1EJ/m did a lot of driving in his first NEQP effort – covering 26 counties in five states. He was followed by Brian/NJ1F/m who covered all 14 counties in Vermont, plus five in New Hampshire, Ron/KB1LXV/m (now WA1RB) who covered two counties in New Hampshire and nine in Maine, and Bob/KB1CIW/m who took a quick spin to two Connecticut counties. Combined they handed out more than 500 SSB QSOs.

Dave/KD1EJ/m took the photo to the right near Bennington Vermont at 5:45am on the way to Washington County. “My first moose!”
Fourteen new county records for SOLP-mobile were set – five by K1KI/m, four by KD1EJ/m, two each by K1EP/m and WA1Z/m, and one by KB1CIW/m.
One area of discussion regarding mobiles is how to categorize mobiles with a non-licensed driver. There aren’t that many mobile entires but some have suggested that an entry with a driver belongs in the multi-single category. No changes are planned for the 2007 contest but the option continues open for the future.
USA/VE/DX results
Check here for detailed results –> Score detail
and for band-by-band info for the leaders –> Band-by-band
USA – Outside New England
Paul/N4PN has been a regular NEQP participant, this was his fifth year at the top of the leader board, this time with 511 QSOs and 48,105 points in the single operator high power category. Once again he found all 67 counties as well. He holds the USA records for single operator high and low power, and has had the highest scores from both Florida and Georgia. This year’s top SOHP score wasn’t a record, but he easily outdistanced all other competitors. Paul operated almost full time – with a few half-hour breaks during the contest period, and didn’t spend a lot of time in any one place, moving between CW and SSB, and band to band if propagation permitted.
Bert/N4CW in North Carolina (ex-W1IHN) was second and Tom/K3TW switched from QRP to high power and nailed third place – not easy from a QTH in Maryland where 20m is not necessarily an easy shot to New England. Paul/K0JPL@W0JPL came in fourth, with nearly 200 QSOs from Missouri, quite a good score considering the conditions. Bob/W0BH wasn’t too far behind Paul from his Kansas QTH The best SOHP score from the west coast was Bob/K6RB. State records were set by K3TW(MD), W4NTI(AL), WC4V(KY), N4CW(NC), K1GU(TN), N5II(LA), N5AQ(OK), K2RD(NV), K8CW(OH), K8JQ(WV), W0BH(KS), and W0JPL(MO).
The single operator low power category had the most entries. Rob/WA1FCN dominated the low power scores with 30,016 points from Alabama with 341 QSOs in 64 counties. Frank/K4EJ in Florida had the second place score, followed by Ted/W1GL in Minnesota and John/K0IO (x-W1GNC) in Iowa. There were few west coast enties, Paul/NG7Z had the best score from his Washington QTH. West coast activity was high the first day when the 7QP was active, but on Sunday there were few signals from the west coast. Four SOLP state records were set – K3MQ(DE), WA1FCN(AL), K0IO(IA), and W1GL(MN).
Most of the activity in the multi-single category is from people who used packet or the Internet to help find new stations to work. Jim/AD4EB grabbed first place with 335 QSOs and 65 counties for 32,045 points from Tennessee – an all-time NEQP multi-single record. Chuck/NF4A was second from Florida and a “real” multi-operator effort at Dan/N0HF (+WW1M) (N0HF is x-KJ1N) in Colorado climbed to 3rd place. N0HF had the highest score from west of the Mississippi in any category. State records were also set by AA2AD(PA), NF4A(FL), K4GM(VA), K9CT(IL), and N9LF(IN).
QRP is always a real challenge – and during a weekend with less-than-steller propagation it can really be difficult. Darin/NT4XT from Georgia came out at the top of the QRP crowd with 141 QSOs in 43 counties for 10,707 points. Paul/W8TM found 91 QSOs to settle in to second place from Ohio. State records were set by NT4XT(GA), K4AQ(VA), K5FA(MS), K5UV(OK), W8TM(OH), and W0PQ(NE).
We had a few more non-New England mobiles active in 2006. Mel/KJ9C/m had the big SOLP score as a secondary focus from his Indiana QSO Party effort, and Phil/AB7RW/m in Washington found a few W1 stations to work in his 7QP effort. Mike/W5JBV/m had quite the mobile effort from Florida – 39 QSOs in 24 counties while operating QRP-mobile!Canada
Two new records were set by Canadian stations in 2006. Bill/VE3CRU set the new record for single operator high power with 6,846 points and Alan/VA1MM kept at it on 40 and 80 meters in the low power category until he had 15,741 points with 162 QSOs in 53 counties. Newcomer Bob/VE1RGB was second in the low power category with 11,904 points.
New Provincial records were set by VE4EAR, VE5BF and VA7ST.DX
The previous year’s second place low power entrant switched to high power in 2006. Gerd/DL5AWI turned in the biggest DX score with 137 QSOs in 48 counties for a total of 13,152. Gary/CU2JT and Andy/UA2FB@RK2FWA weren’t very far behind to round out the top three SOHP scores with more than 100 QSOs each. The low power leader was Stan/OK1FCA with 3,364 points, and Jozsef/HA7UG had 2,666 in the multi-single category.
New high power records for their country were set by CU2JT and OK1AOV, while in the low power category, HA2MN, YO4ATW, OM5NL and NP2/AB8CK(UA3AGW) set new country records. HA7UG and LY2FN set new records for multi-single.
For a full list of current records –> Records
New England Results
Check here for detailed results –> Score detail
and for band-by-band leaders –> Band-by-band
The most competitive category in New England during the 2006 NEQP was QRP. After a 20 hour duel, John/K1ESE came out on top with 311 QSOs, mostly on CW, and 57 multipliers for a new NE record of 35,226 points. Being from rare Oxford County Maine might have helped just a little. This was his first NEQP! Steve/AA4AK, also from Maine won the photo finished for second place, with 288 QSOs and 29,376 points. Chris/KA1LMR in NH made most of his QSOs on SSB and had a big multiplier, but was just a few points behind at 29,312 for third place.
The multi-single team at K1TTT changes a little from year to year, this year it was Dave/K1TTT, Sig/KJ1K and Tom/W1TO, who were again at the top of the category – with nearly 1500 QSOs split almost evenly between CW and SSB, 94 multipliers and 207,552 points. Grant/K1KD teamed up with his father, Glen/K0JGH, to take second place, giving many people Franklin County VT, and third place went to Kevin/K1FQ and his wife, Debra/N1FQ, from eastern Maine. A team of six operators from the Candlewood ARA operated at W1AW for a fourth place effort.
Last year, Dennis/NB1B, put in a NEQP effort from New Zealand. This year he won the single operator high power category from New England (Bristol County MA) with 1257 QSOs and a big 105 multipliers for 212,310 points. Randy/K5ZD@AK1W settled for second place and George/K1PQS continued to make Penobscot County ME an easy catch for third place. George’s 594 QSOs were all on CW, and he just edged out Joe/K1JB, from Cumberland County ME, who had more QSOs and multipliers, but fewer CW QSOs for fourth place. Dale/AF1T had a big SSB-only entry with 824 QSOs.
Pete/W1RM ran away with the single operator low power title, making 801 CW QSOs and working 81 multipliers for a 129,762 total (just under his 2004 NE record) from his QTH just west of Hartford CT. Pete had more CW QSOs than any in any category. Second place went to Mike/W1JQ with 605 QSOs, 74 multipliers from New Haven County CT. Mike has been improving every year – starting with 10th place in 2002, then 7th in 2003 and 2004, 3rd in 2005 and now 2nd place! Bill/K1GQ from relatively rare Carrol County NH nailed down third place with a 555 QSO effort. Three significant SSB-only entires came from Murph/WA1VKO in Rockingham County NH, Jim/WA1GPO@K1RK on Cape Cod MA, and Walt/N1GLT, also in Rockingham County, in that order.
Overall there were 45 records set in various categories, down slightly from the 50 New England records set in 2005. For a closer look, check out the NEQP records page –> records
Who are the “Multiplier Kings”?
Who worked all of the counties in each New England state?
Congratulations to Paul/N4PN for working all 67 counties in New England – for the 4th time (he missed by two in 2003), and no one else has done it once! Paul continues his mastery of a combined CW and SSB effort to snag the mobiles and the casual operators.
Eleven other stations managed to find stations to work in at least 50 of the 67 counties. Jim/AD4EB came up only two short, with 65, only missing Piscataquis ME and Windham VT, while Rob/WA1FCN found 64, missing Bristol RI, Coos NH and Piscataquis ME.
Worked all Connecticut counties (8) | ||
Call | QTH | Category |
AD4EB | Tennessee | MS |
N4PN | Georgia | SOHP |
VA1MM | Nova Scotia | SOLP |
W0BH | Kansas | SOHP |
WA1FCN | Alabama | SOLP |
Worked all Massachusetts counties (14) | ||
Call | QTH | Category |
AD4EB | Tennessee | MS |
K3TW | Maryland | SOHP |
N4PN | Georgia | SOHP |
NF4A | Florida | MS |
VA1MM | Nova Scotia | SOLP |
W0JPL | Missouri | SOHP |
WA1FCN | Alabama | SOLP |
Worked all Maine counties (16) | ||
Call | QTH | Category |
N4PN | Georgia | SOHP |
Worked all New Hampshire counties (10) | ||
Call | QTH | Category |
AD4EB | Tennessee | MS |
N4PN | Georgia | SOHP |
Worked all Rhode Island counties (5) | ||
Call | QTH | Category |
AD4EB | Tennessee | MS |
N2BJ | Illinois | SOHP |
N4PN | Georgia | SOHP |
NF4A | Florida | MS |
Worked all Vermont counties (14) | ||
Call | QTH | Category |
N4CW | North Carolina | SOHP |
N4PN | Georgia | SOHP |
NF4A | Florida | MS |
WA1FCN | Alabama | SOLP |
What about the New England stations?
Mark/K1RX and Ken/W1NG were both able to make QSOs with all 50 states, while three people found eight Canadian provinces. Compared to 2005, working DX multipliers was easier, though QSO totals were smaller – 15 stations managed to work at least 20 countries, with Dennis/NB1B snagging 49 and Dave/K1TTT at 38 and low power winner Pete/W1RM logging 30 of them. Others who had at least 20 were AK1W K1FK K1JB K1KI/m K1PQS K1RX K2LE K5MA W1BYH W1JQ W1NG and W2AX.
Club Competition
As usual, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club fielded the most stations and racked up their largest total ever. Murph/WA1VKO and Dale/AF1T powered the Contoocook Valley Radio Association to the second highest total, while the Hampden County Radio Association had more entries than ever to follow closely behind.
Club | Entries | Points |
Yankee Clipper Contest Club | 44 | 1,954,726 |
Contoocook Valley RA | 2 | 79,019 |
Hampden County RA | 5 | 65,344 |
Naraguagus Bay ARC | 1 | 31,500 |
Merrymeeting ARA | 1 | 29,376 |
Falmouth ARA | 4 | 27,638 |
CT-RI Contest Group | 4 | 27,314 |
Capeway ARC | 2 | 20,368 |
Nashua Area RC | 1 | 16,104 |
Candlewood ARA | 2 | 14,520 |
Meriden ARC | 4 | 14,300 |
Lakes Region Repeater Assn | 1 | 5,766 |
Waterbury ARC | 1 | 4,836 |
NE QRP Club | 2 | 4,261 |
Mitre-Bedford ARC | 1 | 2,304 |
Wellesley ARS | 1 | 1,590 |
Aroostook ARA | 1 | 1,568 |
Franklin County ARC | 1 | 1,496 |
Fidelity ARC | 1 | 1,113 |
Pine State ARC | 1 | 836 |
Central NH ARC | 1 | 684 |
Eastern Conncticut ARA | 1 | 612 |
Androscoggin ARC | 1 | 611 |
Pawtuxet Valley ARC | 1 | 20 |
Activity by County
Based on the incoming logs, Rochingham County in southeastern NH was the most active, followed by Middlesex and Worcester Counties in Massachusetts. As might be expected, activity was lightest in Rhode Island and Vermont, the two New England states with the smallest number of hams. Strafford County NH had the fewest QSOs at 10, with Bristol County RI at a dozen, and Piscataquis County ME showing just 20.
County | QSOs | Stations | |
Connecticut | |||
Fairfield | 605 | 20 | |
Hartford | 435 | 23 | |
Litchfield | 57 | 10 | |
Middlesex | 25 | 4 | |
New Haven | 694 | 24 | |
New London | 203 | 10 | |
Tolland | 683 | 12 | |
Windham | 48 | 4 | |
Massachusetts | |||
Barnstable | 584 | 20 | |
Berkshire | 413 | 11 | |
Bristol | 444 | 18 | |
Dukes | 26 | 4 | |
Essex | 307 | 14 | |
Faranklin | 63 | 4 | |
Hampden | 356 | 20 | |
Hampshire | 118 | 7 | |
Middlesex | 891 | 42 | |
Nantucket | 145 | 3 | |
Norfolk | 349 | 20 | |
Plymough | 292 | 18 | |
Suffolk | 77 | 8 | |
Worcester | 851 | 30 | |
Maine | |||
Androscoggin | 41 | 4 | |
Aroostook | 339 | 10 | |
Cumberland | 434 | 13 | |
Franklin | 31 | 2 | |
Hancock | 25 | 1 | |
Kennebec | 176 | 9 | |
Knox | 207 | 3 | |
Lincoln | 33 | 4 | |
Oxford | 208 | 4 | |
Penobscot | 424 | 10 | |
Piscataquis | 20 | 2 | |
Sagadahoc | 70 | 8 | |
Sommerset | 41 | 3 | |
Waldo | 67 | 5 | |
Washington | 270 | 6 | |
York | 73 | 13 | |
New Hampshire | |||
Belknap | 49 | 6 | |
Carroll | 370 | 7 | |
Cheshire | 247 | 8 | |
Coos | 59 | 4 | |
Grafton | 63 | 9 | |
Hillsborough | 363 | 31 | |
Merrimack | 240 | 11 | |
Rochingham | 1102 | 30 | |
Strafford | 12 | 3 | |
Sullivan | 122 | 9 | |
Rhode Island | |||
Bristol | 10 | 3 | |
Kent | 56 | 10 | |
Newport | 31 | 7 | |
Providence | 170 | 11 | |
Washington | 215 | 6 | |
Vermont | |||
Addison | 70 | 6 | |
Bennington | 459 | 6 | |
Caledonia | 69 | 3 | |
Chittenden | 51 | 8 | |
Essex | 39 | 3 | |
Franklin | 170 | 6 | |
Grand Isle | 47 | 3 | |
Lamoille | 36 | 4 | |
Orange | 60 | 4 | |
Orleans | 51 | 4 | |
Rutland | 80 | 7 | |
Washington | 107 | 6 | |
Windsor | 219 | 6 | |
Windham | 58 | 7 |
More than 200 certificates have been sent out – to everyone with 25 QSOs or more. Thanks to Scott/N1AIA for doing the certificate design work, and to Bill/K1GQ for doing the really nice job on the printing.
Plaques and Special Awards
Certificates were awarded to the top scorers (25 QSO minimum) in each New England county, U.S. state, Canadian Province and DXCC country.
Special plaques have been awarded to these top scorers:
Category | Donor | Winner |
USA – single operator | Southborough Rod & Gun Club (W1SRG) | Paul Newberry, N4PN |
USA – single operator low power | Laci Radnay, W1PL | Bob Beaudoin, WA1FCN |
USA – single operator QRP | Joe Zdrojowy, NY1S | Darin Gacuzana, NT4XT |
USA – single opr(W5-W6-W7-W0) | Huckleberry Mtn Contest Club | W0JPL (Paul Haefner, K0JPL) |
USA – single opr(W2-W3-W8-W9) | Jim Monahan, K1PX | Tom Warren, K3TW |
USA – any category (California/Nevada) | Calif QSO Party – Northern California Contest Club | W6YX (Mike Heideman, N7MH + Risto Kotalampi, W6RK, oprs) |
USA – multi operator – single transmitter | Dave Robbins, K1TTT | Jim Hall, AD4EB (+ net) |
USA – single operator – CW only | K1EL Keyers | Ned Swartz, K1GU |
Canada – single operator | Chris Terkla, N1XS | Alan Prosser, VA1MM |
DX – single operator | Yankee Clipper Contest Club | Gerhard Kaiser, DL5AWI |
DX – Russia – any category (min 50 multipliers/200 QSOs) | Dmitri Y Jikharev, N2OW/RA9USU | (no winner this time) |
Clean Sweep – Not First, but Furthest | Dennis Egan, NB1B | Paul Newberry, N4PN |
New England – single operator | Yankee Clipper Contest Club | Dennis Egan, NB1B |
New England – single operator – low power | Dave Hoaglin, K1HT | Pete Chamalian, W1RM |
New England – single operator – QRP | Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club | John Huffman, K1ESE |
New England – mobile | Boston Amateur Radio Club | Tom Frenaye, K1KI/m |
New England – mobile – most counties activated | Tom Frenaye, K1KI | Dave Perry, KD1EJ/m |
New England – mobile – County Expedition Award | Brian Szewczyk, NJ1F, in memory of James Szewczyk, WB1EYM | Bob Raymond, WA1Z/m |
New England – multi-single | Wellesley ARS | Dave Robbins, K1TTT (+Sigurd Kempel, KJ1K, + Tom Homewood, W1TO) |
Connecticut – single operator | Candlewood ARA | Pete Chamalian, W1RM |
Maine – single operator | Merrymeeting ARA, Androscoggin ARC, Yankee ARC, Portland Amateur Wireless Assn | George Monti, K1PQS |
Massachusetts – single operator | Framingham Amateur Radio Association | Dennis Egan, NB1B |
New Hampshire – single operator | NH-ARRL | Bill Myers, K1GQ |
Rhode Island – single operator | CT/RI Contest Group | Jim Greenwood, W1WIU |
Vermont – single operator | Bob Raymond, WA1Z | Larry Amodeo, W2AX |
Maine – single operator – most QSOs | Augusta Amateur Radio Assn | Joe Blinick, K1JB |
Massachusetts – single operator – low power | Chris Terkla, N1XS | Rick Pendleton, N1DC |
Massachusetts – Hampden County – single operator | Hampden County Radio Assn | Rick Lindquist, N1RL |
Vermont – single operator – low power | Andy Bodony, K2LE | Mill Moore, K1IB |
New England Club | Yankee Clipper Contest Club | Contoocook Valley RA |
If you’d like to sponsor a plaque for 2007, please contact us at
Special Awards
The top USA (non-New England) single operator winner: The Framingham Amateur Radio Association has donated a Lobster dinner for two from Legal Seafood of Boston to the USA single operator (non-New England) winner. For 2006 the winner is Paul Newberry, N4PN!Again!
The top Florida score: One gallon of Paul Tibbetts (K1PT), somewhat world famous, chowdah. He will “personally prepare, deliver, and participate in the consumption of said chowdah at the time and place of the winner’s choosing.” For 2006 the winner is Charles Wooten, NF4A.
Other top USA (non-New England) scorers: Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream – 250+ QSOs
Maple Syrup – 150+ QSOs
Log checking
Thanks to everyone who sent in electronic logs, it made the log checking process go much easier. There were 271 logs overall, with 219 in electronic format (81%) and 52 on paper. This is a few more paper logs than the previous year. We always take the time to convert the paper logs to electronic format for log checking. There is no penalty for duplicates – we encourage you to leave them in the log.
For non-New England stations, cross checking was possible on 8,197 of the 10,623 QSOs reported (77.2%). Of the 494 QSOs not allowed (4.6%), the breakdown is as follows:
QSOs | Reason not allowed |
151 | Callsign incorrect |
189 | QTH incorrect |
65 | Not in log |
77 | Duplicate |
12 | Time was outside of contest period |
494 | Total of QSOs disallowed |
For New England stations, cross checking was possible on 11,990 of the 29,765 QSOs reported (40.2%). Of the 1,330 QSOs not allowed (4.7%), the break down is as follows:
QSOs | Reason not allowed |
442 | Callsign incorrect |
388 | QTH incorrect |
158 | Not in log |
341 | Duplicate |
1 | Time was outside of contest period |
1,330 | Total of QSOs disallowed |
Log checking accuracy was a little worse in 2006 than in 2005, maybe marginal conditions made copying more difficult. After eliminating duplicate QSOs, the average reduction was about 3.5%.
The top ten scorers outside of New England had an average loss in score of 2.0%, while the top ten in New England only lost 1.2%. The highest scoring perfect logs came from Bert/N4CW followed by Bob/W0BH, and those with only one error were Frank/K4EJ, John/K4BAI and Paul/WB2ABD. In New England, Greg/W1KM had the top perfect log, but was closely followed by Randy/AK1W(K5ZD), Jim/K1PX, Rick/N1RL, Eldon/W1END and Mark/K1RO with extermely few errors..
Logging Software
It looks like N1MM and N3FJP contest software have moved up in the list in the last year, though Writelog is still near the top.
Software | Users |
N1MM Logger | 49 |
N3FJP’s NEQP Program | 45 |
WriteLog | 45 |
CT | 22 |
TR Log | 14 |
GenLog | 9 |
NA | 7 |
Excel | 3 |
Win-EQF | 3 |
Cab-converter | 2 |
(ten others) | 1 |
More than 100 NEQP participants provided their own comments about the NEQP in e-mail messages or notes in their logs. Check out the extensive soapbox comments –> soapbox
As we got ready to send out certificates for the 2006 contest, we noticed a number of people have changed their callsigns since last May – KB1LXV is now WA1RB, KJ1D is now N1LU, W1PTX is now AE1P, NB1B is now W1UE, NE0P is now W5TD, KI4ESX is now KU4G, and W9YQ is now NS9I. Congrats to all on your new callsigns.
It’s a lot of fun participating in the NEQP from New England – hope we’ve generated enough activity to make it fun from other parts of the country. As always, thanks for sending in your score, no matter how small or how little time you had available. See you again in the 2007 NEQP!