2015 Soapbox Comments

Writeup | New England Scores | Scores from Outside New England | Breakdowns of Top Stations | Soapbox Comments

W/VE Stations Outside New England

AB5XM – Only got 2 qsos but lots of QRM. It was fun, though

Thanks for the QSO Party. Always a great time!

K0BAK – Operated portable in Delaware, Kent County, in or near Woodland Beach. 27-foot elevated ground plane vertical attached to the minivan. “High” power was only 400 watts. Participated in the other 3 QSO parties too. Operated about 2 hours Saturday, 4 hours Sunday. Thanks to the organizers, and thanks to all the volunteers. Good idea to hold it on the same weekend with those other 3 QSO parties.

K0GEO – NEQP is such a fun regional contest – lots of familiar call signs and great operators. 2015 was yet another great time. Thanks for the Q’s and see you next year!

K2YGM – Enjoyed the QSO party this year, while operating from the patio table in the yard.. rig used KX3 and resonant dipole (40) and EFHW (80) Looking forward to the next one..

K3TW – Many thanks for another enjoyable NEQP, and special thanks to the mobile stations for activiting so many different counties.

Happy to work 53 out of the 67 counties, band condition were only good for 20M.

K4JC –
I had limited operating time only on Saturday due to work and family commitments, but still had a lot of fun!

K4KRW – Thanks! Great fun this weekend. KX3, 5W, Dipole and Cushcraft Vertical

Tough but fun from CA with 100W and “invisible” antennas.

Not a lot of time to play. However, enjoyed the time I had.

Antenna is rain gutter and downspouts.

Great contest ! The mobiles really did themselves proud … kudos guys! Thanks to all for pulling my 5W sigs out of the pack. CU next year!

KC9LIF – Thanks for a great contest.

KD8HAM – As always a lot of fun!!

KE9V – Was a busy few hours with INQP, 7QP and NEQP but had lots of fun. Absolutely GREAT operators in the NE-region. Thanks for the Q’s, mults, and fun!

KJ9C/m –
Sure wish NEQP would revise its county abbrev to SSCCC (like the other three parties)

N3TG –
Whew…third year in a row with no NANMA, LINME, COONH or GRAVT, my last 4 for worked all NE. I checked the internet but never found any of these posted.

Special thanks to the Mobiles WA1Z for 14qso’s, NZ1U-8, K1M-8, KM3T-5. They help fill in many needed counties. Always enjoy this contest.

– Thanks to Bob, WA1Z; NZ1U, K1M, KM3T for all the counties..would have been a long weekend without them….lots of good ops both out on the road and at home…missed DUKMA as never heard W1ACT who has always been there for the NEQP…Thanks to K1KI and all who make this a great event every year!!

ND3R – Could only work it for a limited but still had fun. See you all next year.

NF4A –
Someone forgot to go to Dukes…..had a sweep except for Dukes…. A BIG thank you to the mobiles WA1Z, NZ1U, K1M and KM3T for all the contacts!! Mobiles make a QSO party !!!

NO2D –
Lived in NE long ago so NEQP my favorite QSO Party. Even made contacts with a couple of friends. 20 meters great to Colorado both days. Tried 15 meters on Sunday, and it disappointed. Very challenging with 7 Land QSO Party going at the same time. Enjoyed very much. Thanks.

– Nice contest. Enjoyed it. Thanks to those who continue to work behind the scenes to make this a successful event.

VE3AYR – All ops showed wonderful patience with my QRP!

W2UDT – only operated Sunday. Did get some Qs on 15M cw via backscatter. Hoped to get on Saturday night but got home from dinner late. Sunday was captured by a concert. (anything to keep the XYL happy!) Lots of activity and thanks to the mobiles. CU all next year.

– Missed Saturday but still had a great time.

Had a great time working all three contests again this year.

Thanks to those who dug my signal out of the muck.

See you next year.

Propagation was poor, at least from my QTH.

– Wow that was fun. Sure glad single op can use internet now it makes chasing the mobiles so much fun…..Thanks to all of you I can not single out any you as you were all great. Where was Dukes county ?? I tried to promote NEQP with my club Alabama Contest Group. I hope we did ok this year. 2 el 40 @ 70 ft TH5 @ 75 ft.

WB5BKL – Limited time but very busy when I was on. My thanks to all. Had fun.

– The mobiles once again made this contest and accounted for nearly 1/4 of my QSOs. WA1Z – 32 NZ1U – 30 K1M – 28 KM3T – 12 Total – 102 But the highlight of the NEQP this year had to be an SSB QSO with W1GIV, a newly licensed high school student who acquired my original call held from 1956 to 1967. Missed Dukes County, MA for the sweep. Since N4PN also missed it, it most certainly was not on.

DX stations

CT7AIX – Bad conditions to New England this year. CU next year.

DL3DXX – Sorry for a small entry, lot of other duties to do. Only able to spend 90 minutes on Sunday

F6EPO – QRP 5w K1 to G5RV. First one

F8BFU – Work only on 21Mhz in CW. Bad conditions here this year…

G4JFS – Sadly nothing heard on 10 & 15m.

HA2MN – I had only limited time to take part this year. Many thanks for Q’s, see you next time! Rig: TS-530SP 100W ant end-fed wire 21 mtrs long above roof.

HA3LN – It was surprisingly easy to reach NE with this pwr level (40w).

JA9CWJ – Thank you for FB contest and see you next year.

PG2AA – Rig FT897 40 W es dipole. Glad to give some points in the NE QSO test this year.
SOAPBOX: Thanks to the NEQP Staff for their time and efforts

SM0BYD – Included is my extremely humble NEQP log, with only 15 QSOs, May 3 2015 on 40m CW. The simple set-up, was an Icom IC-718 (barely 100 watts) feeding a so called “russian city windom” an end fed contraption, at anything but a good height. This antenna is like “custom made” for my old friend SM5XD (93). There can not be a better wire antenna in this case. Very lucky circumstances ended with the very same as a gift by the russian manufacturer a few years ago, when he happened to visit the SSA HQ a Thursday morning, where and when we work volontarily all-year-around, Thursdays, for the SSA incoming QSL Bureau. I then pack all the boxes and ship them, to our 7 districts out of SM0. (Eventually for you, not at all interesting but, I have to write…) Due to the above fact regarding the equipment, I am amazed that I anyway managed 15 QSOs… Could not keep awake any longer. I had GREAT FUN though. NO good propagation either. A BIG AMP and a GOOD antenna, always “does the trick”! I hope to be able to eventually use a remote set-up at another QP. No antenna permit at home. Have a GOOD one, whatever/whichever!

SM5DJZ – I got such a bad feeling last year when I only worked all the NE-stations and didn’t copy all the info. So this year I hooked up on Saturday night and tried so hard for the SM-record of 12.000-points from SM6CNN. I ended up with 15 k points and that was really fun. Two weeks ago I worked the FlaQP and that trigged me to do better than my Checklog last year. Will eagerly wait for the result. I know that UA6LCN and LY5W were heard all over the bands… Anyway Thanks for a nice meeting and already look fwd to next year NEQP

SP1AEN – Very poor propagation

XE1EE/4A5XX – Murphy made his thing and I was unable to participate longer, 73!

New England Stations

AF1T – This year, after attending NEARFEST, I made about 1400 contacts with over 100 multipliers, despite poor conditions on most of the bands. Many of these contacts, particularly with Europe and the Middle East, left me with a positive feeling of good will. Some of the Europeans were commemorating VE Day. I enjoyed the cameraderie of that Sunday afternoon pile-up on 20 Meters.

K1ESE – W1HIS joined me (K1ESE) at my QTH in Oxford County, Maine. We used a Flex 6500, Elecraft KPA500 and two wire doublet antennas. With two operators we managed to stay active thorough the contest period. Saturday activity was good. Sunday morning band conditions were poor here. Actually, ten meters was useless over the entire contest period for us. Later Sunday things came back. When the ARI contest closed Sunday morning before the start of the Sunday NEQP session, it seemed like all EU stations went to bed and didn’t get back on the air until much later. It was interesting to work JA’s on 20m at 9am Sunday. We had a good time. Thanks to Chuck for all his help,

K1KI – Lots of fun! Missed ND NE and NB, plus the usually scarce VE mults. Nice mix of old friends and new callsigns in the log.

K1LKP – Thank you for all your hard work to make this wonderful event happen year after year. Please keep up the great work.

K1M/m/WC4E –
First time out for the NEQP, great time! Lots to learn about NE propagation.

K1QO –
100W, K3, OCF dipole. Started the contest hoping to support the wonderful people in my local area who ran /m and have done so much for ham radio with all they have done for WRTC, was hoping to support WA1Z, KM3T and K1EP on their mobile journey. It worked out pretty good on Saturday, but conditions were not in the cards to do much of that on Sunday so I did a little calling and a little s & p. Many thanks to all!!!!!!!

K1ZK – Conditions not very good this year!

KB1VWQ – Thank You NEQP Staff for all your efforts! This contest was very unique for me. I kept the beam due West (rotor issues since winter). Operated w/ 5 watts (SoQRP). Noteworthy: Eversource, our electric provider, was conducting a Town-wide upgrade within my town during 2015 NEQP weekend. Thus, I ran off-grid under Emergency Battery Power QRP 5w, as not to excessively drain power vs. my 100W station. Overall, it went well. Worst HF conditions on Sunday. Also ran a DC to AC Power Inverter for the computer PC logging software. In addition, I was monitoring the communications of the Eversource Town Power Transition by my volunteering appointment under Emergency Management in my home town. Everyone loves a challenge! Please spot reserve HMDMA with my call. CYA Next Year!

KX1E – I had a good time and will be back in future years.

N1AIA – Didn’t have much time, so I just worked one station in each New England state. Ta da. Done.

N1API – Terrible conditions on 10 and 15, poor participation from non NE station. Tons of missed contacts because NEQP times are not aligned with 7QP, and ARI QSO parties. Time for change!

N1DC – Thanks to Tom and the entire NEQP team for another fun event. Great to work many returning stations again this year. My goal was to surpass the 2014 NOR MA record I set last year…came up short by about 1,500 pts. I had a reasonable start on Saturday with about 325 QSO’s in the log. I had hoped for some great runs on Sunday morning but the conditions here were horrible. I thought I had major radio and/or antenna problems.WWV on 20 MHz was less than S1 and barely readable. 10M was completely dead and 15 had very few readable stations.I didn’t have a single QSO on 10M… never heard anyone despite spending about 30 minutes trying. Should have had a least one local ground wave QSO. No luck. 15 never really recovered and I had a disappointing 37 qso’s. That band total cost me a new record for NOR MA. I confirmed the bad conditions while working a few SSB qso’s on 20M. Stations in Florida were having the same problems as me. At least I learned my radio was OK ! 20M started to improve after 1600 utc on Sunday, but 15 and 10 never did. Really glad I could count on 40 and 80M for some decent runs. Results: 47 states (missed DE, KS, AK), 5 provinces, 20 countries, 39 NE counties Thanks for all the QSO’s. Special thanks to the DX, mobile stations and several weak stations that kept trying and successfully got in my log. Station: TenTec Omni 7 100W, Heil ProSet Plus, WinKeyer USB , 4 el yagi @ 25ft, 40/80 dipoles @ 35ft Computer:Â Windows 7 running N1MM

N1NN – 8TH New England QSO Party

N1TRC/AA4AK – Delighted to make Sagadahoc ME widely available.

N2GZ – Had a hot water heater rupture just as I was getting started and that forced me to QRT long before I wanted to.

N3IMU – I decided to try QRP again from Hampden County, MA, using a Hustler 6BTV ground-mounted vertical and a multi-band doublet I installed in the trees this winter to try to get better coverage on the high bands. Either the conditions were awful on 20, or my antennas both suck on that band; the result was almost a single-band effort on 40 meters. I could hear some stations on 20 but had a hard time working most of them. Eventually I scoured the whole CW portion of the band and picked up a couple of special event stations and some DX. I even tried PSK31, but couldn’t work anyone on 14.070 with my 5-watt signal. 40 meters worked much better, when there were people on it. Unfortunately, it seemed like a lot of the crowd was on 20 during the day on Sunday, so it was very lonely down on 40. I still managed to beat my 2013 QRP score, though, and had fun doing it. See y’all next year.

NF1R – Operating remote from remotehamradio.com W1/Danbury site, Danbury, CT.

NJ1T – Could not work anyone on high bands …. was going to do 40 only but worked 80 and 20 for check logs.

NT1K – It was a great time even though band conditions were not at their best but people were having fun with the multiple contests going on. This is my first year with a beam. I had a great time and met many nice operators on the air. All my QSOs were SSB. I hope to learn CW by next year.

NU1O – It was nice to work you in this year’s NEQP. I’m more of a DXer than contestor but the 1st place plaque for Hampden County has motivated me to improve my CW skills.

W1CVE – Enjoyed the contest again, too bad its only once a year.

W1END – Rig was FTdx5000 (150w) and Butternut HF6V all-band vertical. Nice to run for a change. An enjoyable time.

W1KBN/KB1REQ – This contest saw participation from two student members and one alumni member. We had a great time operating, with consistent runs on 15 and 20. Our current antenna setup leaves much to be desired on 40 and 80, but we are working to fix that and hope to have a stronger presence on the low bands in future contests. It was a blast to give out The Hub of the Universe (AKA Suffolk County) to everyone who needed it and we look forward to next year’s contest.

W1MA – Lots of fun. Received a package last week and thought it was a part I ordered for a screen door. I operated on Saturdays NEQP. On Sunday I decided the package could not be the part for the door. I opened the package and to my surprise it was actually a plaque for winning in last years NEQP. The plaque was sponsored by the Framingham Amateur Radio Association. That encouraged me to get back on Sunday and make a few more points. Conditions were not very good. My score was significantly lower than last year. Stations close in were difficult to work. Still …… Lots of fun working everyone and had a great time. Thank you to FARA for sponsoring the great plaque. And thanks to all for the contacts.

W1VE – Andy, K2LE and I had planned a full-out M/S effort in NEQP over the remote. Last weekend, we has replaced his older PC in the shack with a new one. No big deal — all the same software was installed, though with an upgraded OS. We use Teamviewer as part of our remote solution. We had everything up and tested Thursday night. All good. Then, while I was at NearFest, got a panic call from Andy — he could not get into TeamViewer on the remote. After some diagnosis, it turns out their is a bug in TeamViewer 10 that hangs TeamViewer at connection time. The only way to resolve this is to reboot the REMOTE computer!! No problem — We have a Digital Loggers LPC-3 remote power switch in Vermont, controllable from the web.. I’ll just reboot and we are back in shape. One flaw — When we replaced the PC in Vermont, we left he old PC there, and it was plugged into the Remote Power switch. So I had no way to reboot the PC!! We were dead in the water. BEN VT is fairly rare on NEQP. So, I did not want to give up. I could not get to the station till Sunday morning. I got there about 9, swapped the power plugs and put the staiion on the air. Andy took over for me at 1:00pm… Moral of the story: Don’t forget all steps when replacing the PC!!!

W1WIU – Another great year. Thanks to the organizers. Meet lot’s of old friends and made many new ones. Nice to hear more stations from RI. Hope to see you all again next year.